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Selection of feedback below
David Nichol
What a fantastic new site you have developed,
may I take this opportunity to wish you all every success with it. Looks very
professional indeed. A great way to get a truly remarkable history and legacy
out their for all to see.
Just wanted to congratulate you on a very
informative site especially the birth of our UDA. good luck for the future!
James. QS.
Great site great information legitimises what you do. Don/t worry about the fraudsters! or those who seek to undermine you. Sad wannabes
Philip G
Congrats on your site. Amazing transition.
Watching very carefully. Lot of hard work, lets hope it stays like this. Don't let others bring you down.
Great site UPRG. I wish it well for the future
in our wee province! Keep the heads up lads
Impressive piece of work lads. The history is first class and the position papers including Haass are excellent. Power to the people. QS
United Ulster loyalists
Drug dealers, gangsters, bullies and criminals must go. Get out and stay out - we don't want these scum in our areas. Keep up the good work
Uprg as our communities know the real destroyers. QS
Proud to be British
The sooner unionist political parties take your advice the better. The words COMMON SENSE come to mind. RVT should have happened
years ago but again selfish, self centred parties interested in nobody but themselves couldn't deliver. Absolutely atrocious behaviour on Twitter in
North Belfast. Perhaps the security forces should consider prosecuting the disgusting and disgraceful behaviour of other so called loyalists who
attack anything and anyone looking for positive change
RTF...REGISTER VOTE TRANSFER. Do your bit for ULSTER. Vote for ALL yes ALL Unionists in the forthcoming local Council elections.
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Well done UPRG once again representing the BEST INTERESTS of Loyalist communities.....
Concerned Protestant of Upper Ardoyne
Never mind about fake NBUPRG twitter sites. One only has to follow NB_UPRG on twitter and you will be following the real UPRG. Follow
their link to www.nbuprg.co.uk and you will find their brilliant website. Congratulations UPRG and BAD LUCK to all the FAKERS and MOUTHPIECES who are doing the work of dissident republicans.
The Weekender
ULSTER SAYS AYE!! Gud on ya's bout time ya had a website like dis. QS
Away the lads. The best from the Geordies.
RVT using your vote is a strong message for all Unionists in Northern Ireland. Keep the faith.
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN and God Save Ulster. United we stand divided we fall. #RVT
We'll done all involved in this fantastic web site. FACEBOOK next?